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Metcalf Square area about 1880

File # 1123
Title Metcalf Square area about 1880
Description Metcalf Square area about 1880. The small building in the foreground is Winthrop's a second fire station built in ____. The wooded tower that crowned the old fire station was a hose drying tower. This building was moved twice; first it moved further down Pauline Street near this site of what is now the middle school and served as a G. A. R. Hall. Later it was moved again and is now a private residence located at ____ Woodside Avenue. The Steeple once stood on Winthrop's second Methodist Church. This church was later raised and replaced by a more modem church facility. Winthrop's first townhouse located directly below the Steeple was built in 1856. The small shed directly behind the townhouse was used to store the town hearse. The pond was a seasonal pond, it was usually dry in the summer. For generations Winthrop farmers used this pond to water their cattle. The tiny building situated on what is now the library and town Hall lot was once the Alfred Tewksbury store. This building was moved and is now situated at ____ Winthrop Street near McGee's comer.
Date c.1880
Format Photograph, TIF (2.5 MB)
Location Winthrop Public Library & Museum
Local ID 123

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